Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Butterflies

I have a sweet story about one of my brides that she is letting me share. 

First off, I just got a kick out of Randi.  She would look at me and just start laughing.  She thought my intense scrutiny of the gown was funny.  I do admit that I get a bit obsessed and don't relax until I know I can "make it work".  I especially do that when it is an out of town bride.  I have to conquer the thing in a very short amount of time.  And these dresses can throw a whole lot at a person. 

Well Randi was great and I am very happy for her and her family.  She gains two very cute and very independent girls with the marriage.  I loved the sharing of ideas from everyone but especially loved that her 13 year old "new" daughter took part in the process whole heartily.  Our world is better off because of young women like these!

Okay, so here is the story I promised.  Randi's mom passed away a while ago.  Randi wanted to include some part of her mom in the whole celebration, so she had the idea to have butterflies on the dress.  Her mom really loved butterflies and that motif fit perfectly.  So we made butterflies, lots and lots of them.  They cover much of the skirt of the dress.  It was a sweet way to honor her mom.  

Randi came out to Utah twice to have the dress made.  During the break, I talked to my sister in law about the sweet token of the butterflies.  My sister in law was taken back by that because she just had an aunt pass away and her uncle has been noticing butterflies around him just when he needed it.  I guess a white one hung out with him for over an hour at his wife's grave site at the very beginning.  He knew this was the way his wife was helping him though the unimaginably tough time. 

When Randi came back for her second visit, I told her about this story.  She also had that type of feeling about butterflies.  They also stood for her mother's presence in her life. 

The day after Randi's wedding, she sent me some photos.  There is one with at least two butterflies on her bouquet.  Of course I teared up a bit and most likely I had goose bumps.  What a great and sweet thing to occur.  It was the indication that Randi's mom was able to be there when her daughter wed.  I am such a believer in the things not seen.  I love that sweet and simple things can happen to people that show love.  Randi deserves the world in my opinion.  She was such a happy and positive person, but positive in the non-sappy way. 

I am wishing the best for her and her new family! 

I do know this blog is most likely un-followable and a bit quirky.  I wish I could express my thoughts more clearly, but it is tough sometimes.  Have a great night, and may we all recognize the butterflies in our lives. 


  1. You did just great in expressing your feelings Melissa! I am getting all teary eyed over here (granted, I am a little more emotional these days!)

    What a wonderful and beautiful story, and what a special way for her to remember her wedding day! I can only imagine how incredibly overcome she was to have that happen!How random!300 weddings,and 7 years and I have never had a butterfly just show up at a wedding- unless they did a butterfly release. How special, and WOW!

  2. Wow, very cool about the butterflies on the bouquet!

  3. Beautiful dress! My mother-in-law has a special connection with butterflies also. He first son passed away at age 14 because of a brain tumor and a monarch has always been there when she is thinking about him or feels he is near.
