Friday, April 15, 2011

Heidi and the Knotty Bride Blog

I can't keep up with this girl.  In this world of blogs, Heidi has gained some noteriety.  Or in the words of Hank, my little guy, she is famous.  If you haven't seen these photos of Heidi, check them out here at the knotty bride


  1. Wow! Wow, and wow! I love her description of the dress! It's cool as well that she gave you props for a collaborative effort, which all of your dresses are.

  2. wow! So beautiful!! thank you so much for calling me the other night. You can post on my blog, but my my email address is I'm sorry I missed you last week when I was there. I keep thinking that my family won't dominate my time, but it always does. I have got to see you one of these times. Or you could visit me???? Thanks so much for thinking of me. Love always and as long as good memories last which is forever.
